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Regulations on operation of

Ukraine Network of Optical Stations

for near-Earth space research

1. General

1.1. Network complete name is Ukraine network of optical stations for near-Earth space research, and abbreviated name is UMOS (ukrainian abbreviation).

1.2. UMOS activity shall be guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, current legislation of Ukraine and these Regulations.

1.3. UMOS shall be a combination of two or more permanent stations located in Ukraine that satisfy the relevant requirements (Art. 4 of the Regulations).

1.4. UMOS shall be a part of Ukraine network of stations for research of geodynamics and space geodesy. Membership of stations in UMOS shall be voluntary.

1.5. UMOS activities shall comply with the plans and thematic work of individual stations.

1.6. Creation of UMOS shall be established by adoption of these Regulations.

1.7. Activities of separate stations shall be carried out under the leadership of coordinators, who may be managers of corresponding departments of observatories, or persons elected by employees of corresponding station.

1.8. UMOS activity shall be carried out under the leadership of coordinator, who shall be elected from among the coordinators for one year by a vote at a meeting of coordinators or by absentee voting.

1.9. UMOS operation shall be governed by these Regulations.

2. Objectives of UMOS

2.1. The main goal of UMOS shall be to unite scientific and technical means and to conduct regular optical (positional and/or non-positional) observations of the objects in Earth orbit (OEO).

2.2. UMOS shall solve strategic problems of near-Earth space research to study the properties of motion of the selected OEO by developing theory of their motion and by improving models and algorithms of data processing.  UMOS shall solve tactical problems of launch support for space vehicles made in Ukraine and other countries.

2.3. UMOS shall look for ways to attract investment in the development of applied and fundamental scientific research through the promotion of the results to the international scientific community and interested organizations.

3. Functions of UMOS

3.1. UMOS shall promote coordination of scientific and technical exchanges and the development of guidelines and methods for solving operational and technical problems and for improving the quality and accuracy of the OEO observations.

3.2. UMOS shall encourage the development of joint research.

3.3. UMOS shall provide optical observations of the OEO to populate the corresponding database of Ukraine.

4. Requirements for UMOS stations 

4.1. A station, which has hardware and software for optical (positional and/or non-positional) observations of the OEO and carries out such observations, may be a member of the UMOS. The station operation shall be guided by these Regulations to be a member of the UMOS.

4.2. UMOS stations may be members of other international societies and associations under the laws of Ukraine.

4.3. In the frames of UMOS tasks,  stations shall coordinate their activities with the coordinator and perform his or her operational and technical recommendations.

4.4. Stations shall share the results of observations, methodical and instrumental developments, and can use them in their work with the obligatory indication of authorship.

5. The results of UMOS operation

5.1. Stable functioning of stations in the frames of state and/or private funding shall be the main result of UMOS operation to populate database of Ukraine by optical observations of the OEO.

5.2. Scientific and technical products of UMOS shall be the results of highly accurate and precise optical observations of the OEO as well as the results of applied scientific and technical research.

5.3. UMOS shall present itself and the obtained results in the virtual space, on a web site, which is created on the basis of relevant Regulations.

6. Educational activities of UMOS

6.1. UMOS coordinator and coordinators from members of UMOS shall support the training of personnel and create appropriate conditions for their professional growth.

6.2. UMOS experts shall conduct and participate in consultations, conferences, seminars, workshops and schools of young scientists at the expense of UMOS members, specialized funds and grants.


7. Rights and Responsibilities of UMOS Coordinator 

7.1. UMOS coordinator shall assist the stations by providing notification on procedure, rapid technical support to ensure implementation of assigned tasks.

7.2. UMOS coordinator shall ensure protection of commercial interests of UMOS members.

7.3. UMOS coordinator shall initiate holding of seminars, schools of young scientists, workshops, meetings and conferences on UMOS operation at the expense of UMOS members, specialized funds and grants.

7.4. UMOS coordinator shall organize the development of projects, applied scientific and technical programmes to ensure stable operation of UMOS and cooperation with relevant services.

7.5. UMOS coordinator has the right to receive and disseminate information about the activities and working conditions of UMOS stations if this information is not commercial and its distribution is allowed under the laws of Ukraine.


8. Financing

8.1. The activity of each UMOS station shall be funded separately at the expense of state and/or private funding.

8.2. Funds intended in general to finance UMOS, obtained from extrabudgetary revenues, state and international grants, research contracts, interested organizations shall be distributed by UMOS coordinator between stations or between individual researchers on the basis of their participation in task fulfilment.

8.3. Funds allocated to support the functioning of UMOS shall be targeted allocations and shall not be used for any other purpose.

9. Procedure for Amendments of the Regulations on Operation of UMOS

9.1. Amendments to the Regulations on operation of UMOS may be submitted for approval by each member of UMOS, by the whole station or its individual representative. The amendments shall be approved by all coordinators, who are members of UMOS.